There are many events that are fired throughout the applications lifecycle if they meet the requirements.
A current list of events fired are:
The event stubs are found in the app\Events directory and are registered in the EventServiceProvider using the Event Subscriber feature of Laravel.
The event listeners are found in the app\Listeners directory.
Currently, all the subscriber events do is log when the user performs the event being fired. This is meant to be extended by you to do whatever you want.
The events are fired using the Laravel event() helper throughout the application.
When the event helper is called with the event class, the objects needed to process the event are passed through, which are caught in the constructor of the Event classes themselves, and passed through to the listener as a property on the $event variable. (This is default Laravel behavior and not specific to this application).
Besides the default PHP Exception class, there are two custom exception that can get thrown called GeneralException and ReportableException.
These exceptions do nothing special except act as a way to change the default exception functionality when calling it.
Note: ReportableException will get logged as GeneralException will not.
Any custom exceptions live in the app\Exceptions directory.
Anytime you throw these exception, it will not display a "Whoops" error. Instead, it will take the error into a session variable and redirect the user to the previous page and display the message in a bootstrap danger alert box.
If a regular PHP Exception is thrown, it will still get caught and the default functionality will takeover.
Example order of events would be:
Note: The withFlashDanger($text) is some Laravel magic that is parsed into with('flash_danger', $text). This functionality exists in many places around the Laravel Framework.
Note: In the case of the request classes, the default functionality when validation fails is to redirect back with errors:
From the Laravel Documentation:
"If validation fails, a redirect response will be generated to send the user back to their previous location. The errors will also be flashed to the session so they are available for display. If the request was an AJAX request, a HTTP response with a 422 status code will be returned to the user including a JSON representation of the validation errors."
The app\Http\Composers directory holds all view composers.
There are 2 composers that ship with the boilerplate:
The composer classes themselves are registered in the app\Providers\ComposerServiceProvider class.
The GlobalComposer binds the variable $logged_in_user to every view.
If the user is logged in, it will be an app\Models\Auth\User object, if they are not it will be false.
The only stock route file modified is routes\web.php
Lets look at web.php, line by line:
Route::get('lang/{lang}', 'LanguageController@swap');
The first line gets envoked anytime the user chooses a language from the language picker dropdown. The LanguageController's swap method switches the language code in the session and refreshes the page for it to take effect.
Route::group(['namespace' => 'Frontend', 'as' => 'frontend.'], function () {
includeRouteFiles(__DIR__ . '/frontend/');
This section registers all of the frontend routes, such as login, register, etc.
Key Points:
Route::group(['namespace' => 'Backend', 'prefix' => 'admin', 'as' => 'admin.', 'middleware' => 'admin'], function () {
includeRouteFiles(__DIR__ . '/backend/');
This section registers all of the backend routes, such as admin dashboard, user management, etc.
It is nearly identical as the frontend routes with the addition of the admin middleware and prefix.
Key Points:
Note: Administrator should get all permissions so you do not have to specify the administrator role everywhere.
Note: Most route resources use Laravel's Route/Model Binding which you will see as well in the controller methods.
For more information about the permission middleware included in the admin middleware, see middleware and Access Control.
All of the controllers live in the default Laravel controller location of app\Http\Controllers and follow a namespacing convention of the folders they're in.
The controllers are very clean, so there is not much to say, some key points and different sections to read about are:
Laravel Boilerplate ships with 5 additional middleware out of the box.
There is also one extra middleware group:
The LocaleMiddleware is appended to the web middleware stack and runs on each request.
It takes care of:
The password expires middleware forces the user to change their password after X number of days if specified in the access config file's password_expires_days property. You can disable it by setting it to false.
This middleware is triggered by the env item APP_READ_ONLY which will disable any POST requests except /login, which will put the application into a demo mode that people can you but not alter data.
This middleware checks the to_be_logged_out property on the user, and if enabled invalidates the user session and logs them out.
This middleware is disabled by default in the Kernel. This middleware enables headers specified by
Laravel Boilerplate currently ships with one additional middleware group called admin.
The admin middleware is specified in app\Http\Kernel.php and states that anyone trying to access the routes in the following closure must:
It currently wraps all backend routes by default.
Note: If you remove the admin middleware from the backend routes, anyone will be able to access the backend unless you specify elsewhere.
Any controller method throught the application that either needs validation or a security check, will have its own injected Request class.
App requests are stored in the app\Http\Request folder and their namespaces match the folder structure.
Learn more about Laravel request classes here.
Models in Laravel Boilerplate live in the app\Models directory instead of the root for organizational purposes.
The folder structure of the Model indicates its namespace as always.
If a model has any custom attributes, they are held as traits in an Attributes folder of the current model directory.
If a model has any relationships, they are held as traits in an Relationships folder of the current model directory.
If a model has any scopes, they are held as traits in an Scopes folder of the current model directory.
If a model has any methods, they are held as traits in a Method folder of the current model directory.
Laravel Boilerplate ships with a few Models that utilize the Notifiable trait, and in turn there are a few notifications that get sent.
All notifications are stored in the app\Notifications directory by default.
All notifications are self-explanatory, for more information view the Laravel Documentation.
Service Providers are classes that sort of "bootstrap" your application. Laravel ships with many, there are some new ones, and some default ones have been modified.
The following modifications have been made to the default AppServiceProvider:
The ComposerServiceProvider registers any view composers the application needs.
The EventServiceProvider is extended to use the $subscribers property to register the event listeners for the system.
The HelperServiceProvider registers any helper classes in the global helper directory.
The ObserverServiceProvider is used to register any model observer classes.
By default the supplied one registers the UserObserver class to the User model, which logs the users password history.
The only addition to the RouteServiceProvider is in the boot method.
Since most of the controller/routes use Laravels Route/Model Binding, there is one instance where we need to specify a binding.
We specify this binding for use in deleting/restoring a user, because the binding needs to know to have to check for deleted users as well. If you get rid of this and just use the default user binding, it will fail because it's not checking for a user id that has a non-null deleted_at timestamp.
We register the impersonate package routes.
Repositories are a way of extracting database logic into their own classes so you can have slim easy to read controllers.
Repositories are injected into any controller that needs them via the constructor, and are resolved out of the service container.
You do not have to use repositories, or repository/contract patterns, but it is good to learn ways to better structure your code instead of having bloated controllers.
Key Points
Role/Permission control has been replaced with spatie/laravel-permission in this version of the boilerplate.
Laravel Boilerplate ships with other access features as well:
// Whether the registration captcha is on or off
'contact' => env('CONTACT_CAPTCHA_STATUS', false),
'registration' => env('REGISTRATION_CAPTCHA_STATUS', false),
'login' => env('LOGIN_CAPTCHA_STATUS', false),
// Whether or not registration is enabled
'registration' => env('ENABLE_REGISTRATION', true),
// Configurations for the user
'users' => [
// Whether or not the user has to confirm their email when signing up
'confirm_email' => env('CONFIRM_EMAIL', false),
// Whether or not the users email can be changed on the edit profile screen
'change_email' => env('CHANGE_EMAIL', false),
// The name of the super administrator role
'admin_role' => 'administrator',
// The default role all new registered users get added to
'default_role' => 'user',
* Whether or not new users need to be approved by an administrator before logging in
* If this is set to true, then confirm_email is not in effect
'requires_approval' => env('REQUIRES_APPROVAL', false),
// Login username to be used by the controller.
'username' => 'email',
* When active, a user can only have one session active at a time
* That is all other sessions for that user will be deleted when they log in
* (They can only be logged into one place at a time, all others will be logged out)
* AuthenticateSession middleware must be enabled
'single_login' => env('SINGLE_LOGIN', true),
* How many days before users have to change their passwords
* false is off
'password_expires_days' => env('PASSWORD_EXPIRES_DAYS', 30),
* The number of most recent previous passwords to check against when changing/resetting a password
* false is off which doesn't log password changes or check against them
'password_history' => env('PASSWORD_HISTORY', 3),
// Configuration for roles
'roles' => [
// Whether a role must contain a permission or can be used standalone as a label
'role_must_contain_permission' => true,
* Socialite session variable name
* Contains the name of the currently logged in provider in the users session
* Makes it so social logins can not change passwords, etc.
'socialite_session_name' => 'socialite_provider',
Both permission middleware from the spatie/laravel-permission package are used from their default locations and not extended, but you are free to extend them.
Custom Blade Directives are registered in the AppServiceProvider.
Laravel Boilerplate comes in many languages, each language has it's own folder as usual, the language files are very well organized and indented.
If you would like to contribute a language, please make a pull request based on the requirements.
The parts of the localization system are:
The language files try to be as organized as possible first by file name, then by keys frontend, backend, or global. Then by the 'type' they may be display, i.e. 'auth'. Please try to keep them organized if you are contributing to them on GitHub.
Helper classes are stored in app\Helpers.
And helpers stored in app\Helpers\Global are autoloaded as global functions from HelperServiceProvider.
The resources section has the same high level folder structure as a default installation, with many new items inside:
The webpack.mix.js file that ships with the project is well documented and pretty self-explanatory, it currently looks like:
const mix = require('laravel-mix');
| Mix Asset Management
| Mix provides a clean, fluent API for defining some Webpack build steps
| for your Laravel application. By default, we are compiling the Sass
| file for the application as well as bundling up all the JS files.
.setResourceRoot('../') // Turns assets paths in css relative to css file
// .options({
// processCssUrls: false,
// })
.sass('resources/sass/frontend/app.scss', 'css/frontend.css')
.sass('resources/sass/backend/app.scss', 'css/backend.css')
.js('resources/js/frontend/app.js', 'js/frontend.js')
], 'js/backend.js')
// Extract packages from node_modules to vendor.js
if (mix.inProduction()) {
// Optimize JS minification process
terser: {
cache: true,
parallel: true,
sourceMap: true
} else {
// Uses inline source-maps on development
devtool: 'inline-source-map'
See Localization.
To run the tests run phpunit from the command line in the root of the project.
The messages.blade.php file is included after the body of all master app layouts in this project, and takes care of displaying any errors from a session, validation, etc using bootstrap alert boxes.
If not a validation error, or message bag error, then the following session variables are supported:
You will see these used in many controller methods, or in exception handling except they use Laravel's magic method syntax.
This application makes use of Laravel's magic methods in many places, especially controllers.
For example, you may see a controller return that looks like this:
return redirect()->route('admin.auth.user.index')->withFlashSuccess(trans('alerts.backend.users.created'));
return view('')->withUser($user);
In both of these examples you will see a compound function call, that doesn't exist in the documentation.
Laravel will convert both of these methods to a default with() method when it compiles, so both of the above examples will output the following code.
return redirect()->route('admin.auth.user.index')->with('flash_success', trans('alerts.backend.users.created'));
return view('')->with('user', $user);
Both methods work, but I think the magic makes it more elegant so I use that throughout.
If for any reason something goes wrong, try the following:
composer clear-all from the CLI
This will:
When pushing your app to production, you should make sure you run the following:
Compress all of you assets into a single file specified in webpack.mix.js.
This will run the above clear-all command followed by the cache-all command:
To configure socialite, add your credentials to your .env file. The redirects must follow the convention Available services are github, facebook, linkedin, bitbucket, twitter, and google. The links on the login page are generated based on which credentials are provided in the .env file.